Design a Floor Plan for Your Event For Free
When you're selling booths or stalls for your events like festivals or flea markets, chances are you'd need to have a layout map that pinpoints the location of each booth within the confinement of your event area.
This is especially true when each booth is numbered accordingly for booking purposes. We did our research and found the best software that you'd help you get the most out of your time and effort in creating a layout plan for your upcoming events. We checked out those that could offer the following.
- No registration or log in required
- No downloading or installing. Works straight from the browser
- No watermark
- Intuitive user interface
- Able to snap lines and objects into the canvas grid
- Able to save drawings as original raw files
- Able to export to PNG, JPG and more
- Completely free to use!
The Best Online Layout Plan Drawing Software to Use
The most recommended of all online drawing software is Draw.io. It offers all the perks listed above and it's 100% free and even uses conventional XML file format to save our drawings, making it compatible with other drawing software. Not forgetting to mention they also have a desktop version.How to Start Drawing a Floor Plan
Draw.io is so easy to use. Just visit https://draw.io and you will be redirected to https://app.diagrams.net. Ensure your browser has Javascript enabled. Then, you will be asked where you wish to save your design - your device, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, GitHub, or others. Then, click on the New Diagram button and you will shown the screen below. Give your layout file a name and select Blank Diagram. Then, hit the Create button. You will be asked to download your drawing file prior to designing. And then, you will see a screen as depicted below. The user interface (UI) looks very standard, just like your Paint or Photoshop program which reduces your learning curve tremendously. To start drawing your plan, select the General tool on the left side such as a rectangle to draw a floor space. You can choose to fill your rectangle of fill it with color on the right-side panel.Snap-in-Place Feature
This is when you will experience the snapping feature where each item that you draw will stick to the grid thus making sure everything is perfectly aligned in your drawing.You Can Duplicate Almost Everything
Designing a layout map can be repetitive and monotonous. That's when Draw.io comes to the rescue by offering a quick Duplicate function. For each item that you drew, right-click on the object and select Duplicate as shown below.Multiple Select Function
You can even select multiple items and duplicate all of them at once. To select multiple objects, hold the Shift key and click on the items one at a time. Each of them will be highlighted.Enter the Booth Number in the Center of Each Box
To insert a booth number, just double-click on each booth box and you will be able to enter any text. The result is below showing the number sitting right at the center of the box.Import Existing Floor Plan To Add Numbering
Sometimes, all you're given is an existing layout plan from the building management. This drawing tool allows you to import your existing plan too. Just go to File and select "Import From" menu item. You can import from a variety of sources - your device, Google Drive, Dropbox, GitHub, URL and more. Once your plan appears on the canvas, go ahead and add in the stall numbers by using the text tool.Finally, Save as Raw File or Export as PNG/JPG
Once you're done, you can save down your original drawing file in XML format or export it as PNG or JPG. To export, click on File and choose "Export as" option. The layout plan below was created in under 3 minutes.You Can Also Include Icons from Icons8.com
If you need to include icons on your drawing, one of the best sources for free icons is Icons8.com. But please remember to leave a link or URL back to their site. You can include this in the footer of the drawing or the footer of your event sales page.A Tutorial Video That Demonstrates it All
We took the liberty to create a short video to show you how to design a layout plan in under 3 minutes. Hope the video below helps. https://youtu.be/mI4hVyrbQoAShare this post
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